2024 Nacho # 0165 T-Style just in on consignment!
We've had a few of Nacho's guitars come through the shop over the years, and there's no question that he's crafted some of the finest vintage-inspired electrics on the planet. This one does not disappoint!
With clear inspiration from the early 'Blackguard' Era Telecasters, #0165 is built with the prototypical specs that make these 50s electrics so revered.
The perfectly aged Maple neck sports a nice Medium C profile with medium tall vintage fretwire a medium taper that is super comfortable regardless of position on the neck. The two-piece lightweight Ash body follows suit with well matched aging to the Butterscotch Blonde finish, as does the hardware and pickguard. From a distance, you'd swear this was a beat old Tele!
Weighing in at 7.5lbs, it's very comfortable and balanced. From Jazz, Western Swing, Country, and Blues and beyond, these pickups nail the authentic single coil sound of the early 50s.
If a Nacho has been at the top of your GAS list, we can't recommend this one enough. It's a marvelous instrument!
