The Red-Eye Preamp’s impedance-matching field-effect transistor input circuit is designed especially to match and track the impedance of passive piezoelectric pickups. That results in a smooth, natural, balanced, acoustic instrument tone. Low distortion, low noise, and generous headroom mean that clear tone comes through even when an instrument is played percussively and loudly.
The Red-Eye Twin Instrument Preamp offers a simple, one-box, direct-connect solution for musicians that play two instruments at the same gig or have an instrument with dual pickups.
The Red-Eye Twin works well with instruments having passive or active piezo pickups, electret microphones or magnetic pickups such as electric guitars and basses. Performers that find the Red-Eye Twin useful are, for example, those playing fiddle and mandolin, guitar and mandolin, string bass and electric bass or dual pickup instruments.
The Bright-Eye is a clean boost and buffer pedal that uses a 9V or 18V center-negative power supply, bringing the hi-fidelity signal-conditioning circuitry of the Red-Eye Preamp to a pedal-train format.
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