Your Purchase &

Online Sales Tax

A common question we hear is: Does The Music Emporium charge sales tax, and if so, why? Aren’t online purchases tax-free?

While online purchases used to be tax-free, the 2018 Supreme Court decision in South Dakota vs. Wayfair, Inc. changed the game. This ruling allows states to require out-of-state online sellers to collect and remit sales tax, regardless of physical location.

As a result, yes, we are required to charge sales tax in certain states, depending on whether we meet that state’s tax nexus threshold. Here’s how it works:

  • If we charge sales tax, it means we’ve met your state’s tax nexus requirements.
  • If we don’t charge sales tax, it means we haven’t.

It’s that simple!

Pro Tip: To see your exact tax liability, just add the item to your cart and start the checkout process.

We Collect Sales Tax In These States (Shown In Green) | 2025