Saul Koll delivers yet another incredible Duo Glide, this time inspired by a Rickenbacker 'Tuxedo'. Does it get any cooler? No. No is the only correct answer.

As we do with a lot of the builders we work with, we love collaborating on aesthetic choices and/or build ideas. Fortunately, builders like Saul Koll are not only gracious enough to humor us, they always deliver stunning instruments that are beyond what we would have ever imagined!
Case in point? This incredibly cool Duo Glide model that, aesthetically, was inspired by the Rickenbacker 'Tuxedo' model. Truth be told, we used to find the Tuxedo model - with it's black hardware and pickguard - a bit....interesting aesthetically (that, and let's be real, Ric's look amazing as-is with their chrome hardware).
So, they were always "interesting" to us until we took another look at an ivory white Ric Tuxedo and boom, something clicked. What an incredibly cool look - and - how better to do their take on it than Koll, which brings us to this fantastic Duo Glide.
Aside from the Tuxedo aesthetic, what makes this particular guitar a fave of ours is the Hipshot bridge/tremolo and Lollar Mini-Humbuckers. It's everything we love about Koll guitars rolled into one - they're sleek, well-balanced, perfect chunky C necks, excellent playability, inspiring tones...but with a slightly more modern bent due to the trem (vs, say, a wraptail).
With the mini-hums installed, you get singlecoil-esq clarity but the punch and output of a humbucker - perfect, right? Toss the trem in, and you can go into 'sonic explorer' territory or keep it more traditional, your call.
As we've said before, that's the magic of Koll guitars (in our opinion). They can cover a huge range of genres, have a killer mid-century vibe, and are inspiring to play. Best of the best? We sure think so!