This is certainly one of the cleaner H2 Mandolas we've had come through the shop, and it would be a worthy choice for anyone looking for a mandola with all the vibe and tone of an old Gibson.
This 1919 H2 mandola is as gorgeous sounding (and looking!) an example of 'teens Gibson craftsmanship as you're likely to find. At over 100 years of age, it remains in excellent, crack-free condition with original pickguard, tailpiece and hardshell case. As you'd expect from an oval-hole instrument of this age, the tone is full and round, with a liveliness of response that makes it hard to put down. The original frets have plenty of life left, and playability is very good up and down the neck after a fresh setup. This is certainly one of the cleaner H2 Mandolas we've had come through the shop, and it would be a worthy choice for anyone looking for a mandola with all the vibe and tone of an old Gibson.
This mandola is priced with it's original hardshell case, which remains in very good condition. On consignment.

Neck Specs