Jaguars certainly don't get the praise that their older brethren have received over the past six or seven decades, but that doesn't mean they haven't made a similar impact on the electric guitar world. Released just a few short years after its long-scale companion Jazzmaster, the Jaguar offers a similar vibe in a short-scale format, adding an ease of playability along with a slightly different tonal response.
This particular Jaguar represents the 'Version 2' stylings created during the CBS Era, which is one of the coolest aesthetic variants we've seen on any Fender from this mid to late 60s. It shows off its classic vibrant 3-tone Sunburst finish with some fading, play wear, and some lovely natural finish checking, but takes on a different personality than the early 60s versions by adorning the neck with binding and pearl blocks. It's a dressed up look that works so well with this model, and we can't get enough of it!
This one has been played throughout its life, but has remained almost entirely original throughout. The original bridge was replaced with a Mastery, and the original bridge pickup was just rewound by Tom Brantley and sounds great! A reproduction tremolo arm is also included.