Fender's classic Thinline Tele dips its toes into Gibson waters via a Mahogany body and P90 pickups.
It's truly remarkable that after so many decades of existence the iconic Fender Telecaster continues to be a relevant, ever-evolving instrument in the modern era. Many players still rely on the Tele's shape-shifting tonal abilities and ergonomics for writing, performing, and playing at home - oh, and they're pretty indestructible to boot.
So, starting with that template, this LTD Thinline Tele brings a few key elements to the table to create a new experience for Tele lovers: a light as air mahogany body (this guitar weighs 6lbs 5oz), roasted flame maple neck with an exceptionally comfortable / well-shaped "10/56 V" carve, a 'chopped' Tele bridge, and Fender P90s.
Astute guitar nerds will know that P90s are associated with Gibson guitars, not Fender. True, but much like getting your chocolate in your peanut butter (remember those ads?), P90s sounds phenomenal in a Fender. You can see now why the Fender Custom Shop was also hep enough to include a mahogany body - speaking of pairings, P90s & mahogany are 'the' sound, long established by many a classic album.
What we're left with is a super comfy, easy to play Tele that has a fatter, rounder, slighly enhanced midrange tone, great for jazzier neck pickup playing or inspiring, biting, classic P90 chime bridge tones - all in the comfort of a Tele. Yes please, we'll take two!