The iconic Fender Jaguar has been adopted by scores of players like Johnny Marr, Kurt Cobain, Kevin Shields, John Frusciante, Tom Verlaine, PJ Harvey...the list goes on and on.

Debuting in 1962, the Jaguar featured a 24” scale length, a striking offset body and multiple switching and tonal options, and was expected to eventually eclipse the Stratocaster as Fender’s top-of-the line model.
While this eclipse ultimately never came to pass - hard to topple the Strat's brilliance, right? - the Jaguar has been adopted by scores of players like Johnny Marr, Kurt Cobain, Kevin Shields, John Frusciante, Tom Verlaine, PJ Harvey...the list goes on and on.
This ’66 Jaguar features a two-piece select alder body with an aged Olympic White finish (matching headstock, bound fingerboard, and tort guard for the win) for a refined and slightly aged look of a guitar that was well-taken-care-of through the years. While hard to see in the pics, please note that the Deluxe Closet Classic finish features extensive finish checking in the finish.
The quarter sawn maple neck has a ’62 Jaguar profile, 9.5”-radius round-lam rosewood fingerboard and 6150 frets (22) for smooth playability up and down the neck. The Custom Shop Jaguar pickups deliver classic Jaguar bite which lives, to our ears, in the Strat world for a reference.