Ask any Tele player why a great Tele is a must-have and you'll likely hear a list of similar responses: Tone. Ability to shape-shift into different genres with ease. Simplicity of design...
We each have our own reasons for why we love a great Tele. In addition to the above reasons, our love stems from one place - their incredible musicality. Yes, Leo got it right from the get-go as we're all fond of saying. Indeed. The design is brilliant, no debating that one. But what the simplicity of design opens up for players - how they interact with you, the musician - is where the magic lives. They're endlessly fascinating to explore be it in a punk rock setting, a country setting, a jazz setting, etc...what other model can live so easily in those different styles? Not many is the correct answer.
Where we're going here is this - this run of '57 Teles from the Fender Custom Shop are some of the good ones (great, in fact!). Everything from the Soft V neck shape, to the Journeyman relic, to the playability, looks, and of course,'s all here. Resonant, alive, soulful. It's such a great reminder of why we feel in love with a Telecaster in the first place. And that is the whole point, yes?
