Think of how much music has already passed through the wood used to make this guitar!
Why We Love This
This one-of-a-kind Lowden F-50 features gorgeous, perfectly quartered, old-growth Mahogany reclaimed from church pews in Belfast, Ireland. The guitar's neck is made from the same material. We're big fans of George Lowden's guitars, and bigger fans of his forward-thinking approach to material sourcing. Anyone in the guitar-building community would struggle to find Mahogany this beautiful these days ~ and we're thankful builders so talented were the ones who ended up with it.
Think of how much music has already passed through the wood used to make this guitar! Imagining the century of hymns sung while folks were seated on the boards used to craft this instrument calls to mind the words of the great Hazel Dickens: "How dear to my hear, how precious the moment / We stood shaking hands and singing a song." And while it's none of our business whether you believe a little, a lot, or not at all, we admit to a degree of reverence when holding and playing this guitar. It's a special feeling to sit and make music with it; and we think you'll agree that its sublime tone and delicate response invites a certain kind of nuanced playing. If you've been looking for an inspirational instrument to add to your acoustic collection, we can't think of a finer choice. Priced with Ameritage hardshell case.
Neck Specs