If the idea of a slightly more traditional leaning Lentz is appealing to you? You owe it to yourself to try one of the their lawsuit-era models - you won't be disappointed.
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If you're already in the Lentz-sphere, so to speak, you likely know what you're looking at and it's why you're here. For the uninitiated, there are three 'categories' of Lentz Guitars to be aware of: the Reserve Series, the Traditional Series, and their "pre-lawsuit" guitars.
The Reserve, as the name implies, is their top-of-the-line offering, featuring flamed neck woods and aged one-piece bodies. The Traditional series are equally as great, just slightly toned down with regards to the flamed woods. Lastly, we have the "pre-lawsuit" guitars. To clarify, there was no lawsuit, but as happens with builders who are making Fender style instruments with a traditional Fender headstock, Fender sent a cease and desist letter which led to the current Lentz headstock.
The pre-lawsuit Lentz guitars tend to be from the early 2000s and feature a traditional Fender headstock for those who insist on a traditional look. We've always felt this era of Lentz guitars feel ever so slightly different from their current guitars, but not in a bad way (far from it, actually).
All the hallmarks of a Lentz that we've fallen in love with are present - a resonant / alive feel, incredibly dynamic tones, and chunky neck carves - yet, the feel is just a touch closer to a Fender. The finish on the neck is part of this difference. Newer Traditionals and Reserves have a really wonderful satin feel while the lawsuit-era guitars feel a touch more like Fender's gloss finish (though not thick at all).
Plugged in, the responsive, dynamic tones we've come to know and love with a Lentz is here in spades. These guitars excel at edge of breakup or medium gain tones in addition to the classic Fender clean tones - think vintage Strat with a bit more muscle behind it. It's a remarkable experience to play a Lentz into a wound up amp - this gorgeous Fiesta Red version being no exception.
Scott Lentz refinished the body to Fiesta Red and it was recently refretted to Jescar fret wire 6105 by Jason Durham in Atlanta.
There is natural light wear on the neck finish (where your thumb travels up/down the neck) and light marks on the body.
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