If you've been looking for a Julian Lage signature OM, here's a chance to scoop one up with the desirable Collings built case!
What To Know
The OM1A JL has been the most popular Collings flattop over the last couple years, and for good reason: the Collings Traditional build structure under the hood and a neck carve templated from Julian's 1939 000-18 make this the closest you'll come to Golden-Era tone in a modern-era production guitar.
Overall condition is very good for a pre-owned guitar -- no significant cosmetic blemishes, clean surfaces, and clean frets, save for very one minor ding on the top (not even visible in photos) and a few areas on the neck and back where the satin finish has developed a slight shine. Priced with Collings-built vintage style case!
On consignment; shipping calculated at checkout.
Neck Specs