Instrument Care 101

How To Restring Your Slot-Head Guitar

If you've never attempted to restring a guitar with a slotted peghead, or you've been putting off such a string change for want of a new method, hopefully this tutorial will prove useful.


After you've removed your old strings and installed the new ones at the bridge, making sure to seat the ball ends firmly, and rotated the tuners so that the tuning post holes are facing up, here are the steps we follow (please refer to pictures below for illustration).

After a couple practice runs, we're sure you'll master this technique, and your slothead guitars will be singing like new!

1) Stringing The Low E String

Step 1

Address the E strings first, as these will wind toward the inside of the peghead (other strings wind toward the outisde of the peghead).

Step 2

Pull the low E string tight through the nut and measure about 1 1/2 tuning posts beyond the low E string's post.

Step 3

Clip the end of the string and bend a firm right angle into it.

Step 4

Insert the bent string end into the post and begin tuning up.

Step 5

Manually guide the still-slack portion of the string across the clipped string end so that the slack winds toward the inside of the peghead.

Step 6

After a few passes, you should be nearly up to pitch and ready to repeat these same steps with the high E string.

Step 7

Repeat these steps with the rest of the strings, only changing step 5 (with the A, D, G and B string, you'll manually glide the still-slack portion of the string across the clipped string end so that the slack winds toward theoutsideof the peghead).

2) Use The Above Steps For Each Remaining String. Here Are Some Pics To Help:

High E
High E

High E
A String
A String
D String
D String
G String