KANILE'A Ukuleles
KANILE'A Ukuleles
KANILE'A Ukuleles
Kanile'a utilizes sustainable practices to provide the best looking and best sounding Koa in the industry.
A Kanileʻa ukulele is the perfect combination of technology and craftsmanship to complement your musical journey to spread aloha.
Kanileʻa Ukulele is committed to reforesting Hawaii. For every Kanileʻa Ukulele built, a native Hawaiian tree is planted. This brings a healthy environment and preserves the history of Hawaii for generations to come.
Under The Influence is an eclectic playlist of songs, bands, and players that currently inspire and influence our music making. Curated by the entire Music Emporium staff, this playlist features our favorite songs from 2024. Hit shuffle and enjoy!
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