Looking more for a recording amp? This little guy will easily deliver the goods in front of a great mic. Heck, even with a not-so-great mic we imagine it'll still deliver impressive results - it's that good.
Why We Love This
Michael Swart has been building beautiful, vintage-minded amps down in Wilmington, NC for quite some time now and we couldn't be happier to represent his killer line of amps and pedals! Swart players include Jeff Tweedy (Wilco), John Flansburgh (They Might Be Giants), Greg V, Matthew Sweet, etc...
Weighing in at a svelte 14lbs, the Atomic Jr melds 5 watt simplicity with a killer sounding reverb, "Hot" or "Clean" modes, and in this case, Michael's excellent Night Light Jr. attenuator affixed inside the lower portion of the cab (which is able to be on or off via the bypass switch).
What does this mean for you? You can get inspiring, complex, rich tones...drenched in a luscious reverb...at very reasonable volumes. Read: your living room. Could you blast this little guy at 12am without disturbing the family (or neighbors)? Well, that just depends now doesn't it? It's a loud 5 watts, but not overly so. It's ideal for home use, no question.