Hidden Gems | Pink Floyd Edition

Hidden Gems | Pink Floyd Edition

13 items

    Hidden Gems #12 | Here the staff share their personal Hidden Gems from our inventory that they think should be on your radar.  

    With the 50th Anniversary of Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon Album upon us, we thought it'd be fun to look at gear from our inventory that will help you capture the band's classic tones from the album.

    Meant to be a fun look at what will get you "close enough for rock n roll", as the expression goes, please note that this list isn't meant to be exhaustive or exact. For example, David Gilmour used Fender Twin Reverbs on the record, but the closest we have currently in stock is a '66 Vibrolux (same with David's Hiwatt amps - our TopHat Supreme 16 will get you in the ballpark). 

    This edition of Hidden Gems can definitely help you get close to these incredible, timeless tones. Now the playing part, however? That's on you. Kidding aside, I do sincerely hope this gear inspires you to discover your own sound should you decide to take the plunge.

    Oh, before you go - if you haven't seen this documentary, I highly recommend carving out some time to watch the making of DSOTM here.


    ~Eliot | Electric Guitars, Web, Marketing

     If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always happy to help! 

    13 items